Warrior PrincessTransparentGhost on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/transparentghost/art/Warrior-Princess-523962135TransparentGhost

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Warrior Princess



I finished this painting back in February and thanx to DownUnderStudios it got signed by Lucy Lawless at the last Xena con in Burbank! 

It's painted with gouache on 17x22cm thick watercolor paper. Since I did not have much time to finish this before the convention I traced the lines off the photo I used as reference and painted on top of those lines just so I could focus on the painting and not have to spend hours on getting the proportions right. Painting this was a lot of fun however I really like gouache and I hope I'll be able to muster the patience needed for more traditional works like this.
I posted some in progress photos of it on my tumblr transparentghostda.tumblr.com/

Art: Me
Used: Gouache and watercolor paper
Reference: i61.tinypic.com/2i0ynty.jpg
Signature: Lucy Lawless
Image size
1242x1563px 3.28 MB
© 2015 - 2025 TransparentGhost
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Shembre's avatar
That's so cool! Glad you got it signed. I bet she was stoked :aww: