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Global Literature
76 Watchers8 Deviations

CHAIN 4: International Tag by TranslationChain, literature

CHAIN 4 COMMENTS by TranslationChain, literature

CHAIN 1 : Homesick by TranslationChain, literature

Translated News: November by TranslationChain, literature

Chain 1: NLY's translation by TranslationChain, literature

Resources: Chats and Clubs by TranslationChain, literature

CHAIN 4: International Tag by TranslationChain, literature

CHAIN 4 COMMENTS by TranslationChain, literature

CHAIN 1 : Homesick by TranslationChain, literature

Resources: Chats and Clubs by TranslationChain, literature

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Spartans by Tomaolykos, literature

TranslationChain - Homesick by S1mbelmyne, literature

Homesick by Bersaglio, literature

Homesick by endless-one, literature

Homesick by opiumsmoker, literature

Homesick by AngelofGod87, literature

Homesick by RagingGryphon, literature

Homesick by AyumiFey, literature

Deviation Spotlight

CHAIN 1 : Homesick by TranslationChain, literature

  • Deviant for 17 years
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Hi all.My apologies for this project stalling as it has.The reasons are several and are as follows:1/ I found it really hard to chase people up for translations over the Holiday period.2/ My old hard drive died, and with it all my lists.3/ Personal considerations have meant I have not had the time or energy to get back in and fix the breaks in the chains with no lists etc.4/ I am doing a bajillion other things, which have also needed my attention.BUT - I should be able to get this underway again, a bit late. Needless to say I will NOT be running this project over the Holidays again. = P:bulletblue: :bulletblue::bulletblue::bulletblue: :bul...
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:sun: A BIG THANKYOU :sun:To :devPoeticWar: and :devMaskedVengeance: for the Daily Deviation on CHAIN-1-Homesick .:heart: Much appreciated, guys!:star: Some Amendments To The Schedule :star::sun: TranslationChain 2 :star: PLEASE NOTE: Chain 2 is going to take a while longer than expected, due to December being a busy month for everyone, and several people becoming unavailable. So, the new deadline will be January 20. :sun: TranslationChain 3 --PLEASE NOTE: Chain 3 is also running slowly. If translations are not completed in the 24 hrs given, they will now be handed to someone else immediately.:bulletgreen: 1: :devmediatedballe: --...
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:dance: TRANSLATION CHAINS 2, 3 and 4 are GO! :dance:Chains 2 and 3 are underway, and promise to be as fascinating as the first. We have Afrikaans and Hebrew added to the list of languages, which is wonderful. Keep an eye on the main account for progress updates on Chain 3.Results will be published in a news just before Christmas.___________________:sun: Join Us In a Game of International Tag! Translation Chain 4 is open for anyone to join in, in any language. If you can't see a language you know right away, check back in a day or so!:star: Translate a translation! From Hungarian to Swahili, Russian to English, whatever languages yo...
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Translation Chain revival! The new account is ~TChainRedux! Join us!:dance:
This is a great project and we should really revive it. I'll need to check if my RL would permit that and if there are still people interested we can do it :love:
I am very sad this seems to have died completely. I was looking forward to getting a little language practice in. I hope the club will get back on its feet again.
this is so cool! Maybe I'll learn enough Russian to participate one day. For now I'll just watch (:
I sent a note asking to join the chain, but I never got a reply. I can do French and English and my Spanish isn't flawless, but it's alright.
hy... i was just wondering how Chain 2 is coming along... could u give me some info on that?