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For those of you Mosaicons not fully up to date with the latest news from the offices of IDW PUBLISHING, Transformers: Mosaic (in concert with IDW) is very proud to inform you all that the talented and dynamic duo Casey Coller and Joana Lafuente will be making their (interior) art debut in December, when IDW release TRANSFORMERS SPOTLIGHT: BLURR.

Both Casey and Joana have contributed some simply amazing art to the Mosaic project, and continue to be valuable supporters of the project.

Casey has contributed some stunning artwork to both Mosaic and the War Journal project, and was the winner of the "Are You the Next Transformers Cover Artist?" competition we ran a few months ago. His first official comic cover; the Apocalypse Comics "Killing Joke" cover for ALL HAIL MEGATRON #1 was released just last week.

Joana, a wildly talented colorist and illustrator (and runner-up in the aforementioned Cover Contest), has produced a good number of Mosaics as well, some of which are the most popular amongst readers.

We really couldn't be happier for them both, and we're very proud to see them have a shot at contributing to IDW's epic TRANSFORMERS comics!

To celebrate this fantastic occasion, Transformers: Mosaic is very blessed to have this exclusive preview of Casey and Joana's comic, and would like to thank IDW PUBLISHING for allowing us the honor of sharing this sneak peek with Casey and Joana's Transformers: Mosaic fanbase.


Written by Shane McCarthy

Art by Casey Coller :iconcaliber316:

Colors by Joana Lafuente :iconkhaamar:

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timshinn73's avatar
Great stuff! Excellent work, both of you! Look forward to seeing more!