NBLW Flag Redesigntransfeminine on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/transfeminine/art/NBLW-Flag-Redesign-924047070transfeminine

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transfeminine's avatar

NBLW Flag Redesign



Please don't upload my flags to the LGBTQIA Wiki (link, link) or MOGAI Miraheze (link), thank you. Uploads to other wikis or wiki-type websites are okay with credit. Otherwise, credit is unnecessary but appreciated.

I am kindly requesting that you don't use any of my content if you are a pro-, dark-, com-, or neutral- shipper, pro- or neutral- para, rad- queer, or any related term.

For credit: transfeminine on DeviantArt or a link to the post on my account will work. My name at the time of using this account was Samsy, and I was primarily referred to with she/her pronouns.

NBLW means nonbinary loving women, meaning a nonbinary person attracted to women.

Based on my WLW and NBLW flags.

My comments are turned off because this account is inactive as of 2022.

Image size
1280x640px 10.82 KB
© 2022 - 2025 transfeminine
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