Overlord Bob: Introtran4of3 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/tran4of3/art/Overlord-Bob-Intro-184679104tran4of3

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tran4of3's avatar

Overlord Bob: Intro



It's an honor to join other great TG artists commissioned for Zero's fun Overlord Bob series! It's such a fun and ambitious project, I'm glad to be part of it!

Uploading to Deviantart as per requested!

0 - [link] Overlord Bob Intro (ics)
1 - [link] Hero 1: The Wizard (Mr DNA)
2 - [link] Hero 2: The Priest (Mr DNA)
3a - [link] Hero 3: The Dwarf p1 (CCP)
3b - [link] Hero 3: The Dwarf p2 (CCP)
4 - [link] Hero 4: The Prince (Mr DNA)
5a - [link] Hero 5: The Rogue p1 (Powerman2000)
5b -[link] Hero 5: The Rogue p2 (Powerman2000)
6 - [link] Hero 6: The Elf Druid (BlackShirtBoy)
7 - [link] Hero 7: The Bard (Mr DNA)
8 - [link] Overlord Conclusion p1 (ics)
9 - [link] Overlord Conclusion p2 (ics)
10 -[link] Overlord Conclusion p3 (ics)
Image size
800x2594px 829.24 KB
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Salabae's avatar

The URL links for 6. 8. 9. and 10. no longer work.