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So, had a lot of people asking my thoughts on her, and I’m really glad people care what I think. I’ve hesitated answering in full because, well, I may be over-complicating my thoughts on her since I’ve got my own ideas of how a female Link would/could be. And I don’t wanna jump into things without knowing enough. Like, there’s one crucial element I’m unsure of – is she a female Link, one of those amidst the canon timelines? Or is she Link’s daughter? Alternate universe Link like Ravio? A fangirl who admires Link? I just don’t know, and what it is sets the standard for everything.
So, on just general impressions on what very little we’ve seen, there’s a lot to like. The outfit could take some getting used to, but it’s pretty neat with a lot of familiar elements. The compass is an interesting addition, and I wonder what story/gameplay purpose it might have. Dual crossbows are a silly idea that makes just enough sense for a Zelda fantasy warrior game, and comes off pretty badass - Like, have you seen how she reloads them both at once while jumping in a fraction of a second? Awesome stuff. And I’m curious why it was important to say she was from a town full of Cucoos. I’m glad she’s getting cinematics and probably will be an important character in the new story chapters, and I’m interested in learning more about her.
But here’s my party pooper paragraph. If she’s Link’s daughter, alternate universe Link, etc – I’m totally fine with everything we have with her. But if she’s a canon-type Link, one of the reincarnations of the Hero, then, I dunno – Her design, her attitude, her choice of weapons – unfortunately, everything that makes her unique makes me just not read her as a Link. One of my (albeit completely personal) expectations of what a female Link would be is that she would be, well, not much different than any other Link. Male, female, what’s the difference – She’s Link. Each Link across the timelines did have their unique factors, but, while being separate people in separate eras, they all felt invariably similar, and familiar, and Linkle just doesn’t feel that way to me.
Also, I hate the name Linkle. One time, I posted a Rule 63 Link with the title ‘Linka’, and someone rightfully told me that it didn’t seem right that a female Link would have a different name. Also, her personality feels a bit too much like Lana’s right now.
Again, only seen a few scant seconds and little information, so hey, premature opinions probably, but there ya go. Overall, she doesn’t read as ‘Link’ to me, but I like what I see and looking forward to seeing more.
It her.