Handsome PeteTrainwrekcomics on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/trainwrekcomics/art/Handsome-Pete-144132544Trainwrekcomics

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Handsome Pete



Ok sooooo.....here's another eye rapeing piece for your display.

I was inspired by a few pics of Frankenstein's creature esp. :iconoperative274:'s more mechanical version. Now I know this is pretty much hypocritical after my WHTC journal entry, but if you'll hear me out, I will explain the situation.

True someone else did inspire this piece, but it also comes, like Torvulf before him, from some of my earlier designs, primarily the hunchback motiff. Also, and more importantly, the name alone gives a hint as to my true machinations.

See, it's a double-reference, to not only the simpson's character of the same name, but to his creation, since I see him as the discarded love child of science and industry. Hence, the name "Pete" is kind of a spelled out version of "P.T." or "Product Testing". P.T. Pee-Tee. Pete.

See? It IS creative after all!
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636x877px 229.79 KB
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AngeliqueBestow's avatar
It looks awesome!! Things are going okay feel like i'm slipping into a sadness having to live with mt parents again. I miss having my own place and not having everything in freaking storage