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MMD Tutorial PMD to PMX Conversion



A simple introduction on converting PMD models to PMX standard. Also serves as a general overview of some of the materials handling controls available in the PMD Editor when in PMX editing mode.

In some instances the leg IK structures derp after the conversion. This is due to a failure with the PMD Editor failing to read a script that is required to correctly constrain the leg movements. There are two fixes:

1. For advanced users with a good understanding of Windows:

This is actually the simplest solution. To prevent the error from occurring in the first place, simply correct the  title/filename of the script file. It should read: "IK制限角.txt" and the only lines in the file are as follows (verbatim):


This file is located in the _data folder and usually the filename is garbage which is at the root cause of the problem.

2. The standard fix is here:

 MMD PMD Fixing Derpy IK Legs by Trackdancer
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684x7600px 1.55 MB
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GhastlyHypnosis's avatar
I have a different leg issue, when I load in the model, the legs move sorta properly, BUT the thighs stretch out awkwardly, making the motion look strange.