Walt Disney Pictures Pixar Logo Remakes (Sept UPD)TPPercival on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tppercival/art/Walt-Disney-Pictures-Pixar-Logo-Remakes-Sept-UPD-812473252TPPercival

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TPPercival's avatar

Walt Disney Pictures Pixar Logo Remakes (Sept UPD)



Completely redone the entire logo by reconstructing the castle along with the flags. The colour shading on the castle, the roofing and the flag are all set to result for a more accurate look. The "Walt Disney" script was actually done in curves to give it a more accurate and third-dimensional look. The ball of light has accurate sparkle dust and the arc is done in curve as well. I have also issued different layers for each element in the logo remake.

© Disney
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2891x2150px 424.92 KB
© 2019 - 2025 TPPercival
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Criniveran's avatar

I hope nobody ask for the link then there's going to be a problem.