I'm still around. Wish we can keep in contact in some way. Love to catch up in things. :3
I pop by every now and then, and keep thinking I should upload more. I've made things I could have uploaded, but not drawn much at all in some years. I keep want to draw more though, and stock up on art supplies hoping I'll get around to using it
I just made yet another account, @Storm-Maker, so hopefully I'll get around to being more active here again, I miss it.
I'm mostly active on WaniKani. It's a free forum for a paid website (about learning Japanese Kanji) But, the forum is free and is more active in the off topic areas so you could join the fun even without using the actual website it belongs to
I have my own topic where I update on what I'm doing, and we can keep in touch there https://community.wanikani.com/t/toygers-corner/50325
ah I see. hm..