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Melekure Stables Ballator
Cultris et Caulas
Plains Ballator Mare
ID: 480
Name: Cultris et Caulas (Knives and Pens)
Barn Name/Nickname: Ink or Inkstains
Sex: Female, Mare
Breed/type: Plains, Heavy Draft
Age: 7 Years Old
Height: 19.5hh
Discipline: Log Pulling
Genotype: Smoky Black Overo Sabino Hornstripe - EE/aa/nCr/nO/nSb/nHs
Rarity: 8 (Normal)
Personality/History: One of the most dangerous Plains Mares found in the Melekure Stables, this female will attack males and females alike who so much as look at her wrong. She is extremely cold, uncaring, harsh and extremely strict. Within her heard she takes no idiocy or stupidity and any mare or stallion that so much as makes a mistake to show signs of 'weakness' will get attacked and pushed out of the her. She leads a small herd of Plains Ballators with her mate Letum although she has been known to be 'swayed' by extremely powerful stallions.
Quirks: All of Cultris' manes are extremely short due to the fact that she constantly fights with others and mane pulling is very common. Her shoulder manes were bitten off and torn out roughly by Letum as a sign of dominance and to make her submit to him as he lead 'harem' mare.
------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Aesculatum Luridum
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
----{Sire: Ars Amatoria
| ------------------------------------------ SDS: IHS Unum Agreste
| ----------------- SD: LHR Spiritus Noctis
| ------------------------------------------ SDD: IHS Talari Iuba
Cultris et Caulas
| ------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
| ----------------- DS: Nox Aestivae Comparantibus
| ------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
----{Dam: Ecce Vicit Leo De Mari
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Herpothamnus
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown
----------------- SS: Aesculatum Luridum
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
----{Sire: Ars Amatoria
| ------------------------------------------ SDS: IHS Unum Agreste
| ----------------- SD: LHR Spiritus Noctis
| ------------------------------------------ SDD: IHS Talari Iuba
Cultris et Caulas
| ------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
| ----------------- DS: Nox Aestivae Comparantibus
| ------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
----{Dam: Ecce Vicit Leo De Mari
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Herpothamnus
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown
Username | Status | Mate | Resulting Foal
300 Without Breeding Picture, 150 With Headshot Breeding Picture or 100 With Full Body Breeding Picture
Will Accept Artwork Payments
The Melekure Stables: Breeding Agreement
1) LaCabatrina-Ranch | Used | B-702 - Contritio, et Letum | B-792 Design
2) TheMoon122 | Used | B-1195 Vellus Diaboli Ref-Sheet [Transmuted!] | B-1336 For Me
3) Jackewa | Used | B-694: Salix | B-1090: Cicatrix
4) Mine | Used | 698 | Vivus Exspiravit | B-1447 for ToxicCreed
5) Mine | Used | 243 Virus | B-1348 for ToxicCreed
6) Mine | Used | B-575 Byssus Melliculus | B-1347 for ToxicCreed
9) SwiftFoxEC | Useable | Stallion Pending | Foal Pending
10) anglicus-xo | Useable | 876 | Et Potest In Animo | Foal Pending
11) OPEN
12) OPEN
13) Pukzzi | Used | 156 Sufflavus Terrore | 1281
14) CelineDGD | Used | 876 Et Potest In Animo | 1343 for CelineDGD
300 Without Breeding Picture, 150 With Headshot Breeding Picture or 100 With Full Body Breeding Picture
Will Accept Artwork Payments
The Melekure Stables: Breeding Agreement
1) LaCabatrina-Ranch | Used | B-702 - Contritio, et Letum | B-792 Design
2) TheMoon122 | Used | B-1195 Vellus Diaboli Ref-Sheet [Transmuted!] | B-1336 For Me
3) Jackewa | Used | B-694: Salix | B-1090: Cicatrix
4) Mine | Used | 698 | Vivus Exspiravit | B-1447 for ToxicCreed
5) Mine | Used | 243 Virus | B-1348 for ToxicCreed
6) Mine | Used | B-575 Byssus Melliculus | B-1347 for ToxicCreed
9) SwiftFoxEC | Useable | Stallion Pending | Foal Pending
10) anglicus-xo | Useable | 876 | Et Potest In Animo | Foal Pending
11) OPEN
12) OPEN
13) Pukzzi | Used | 156 Sufflavus Terrore | 1281
14) CelineDGD | Used | 876 Et Potest In Animo | 1343 for CelineDGD
Gaits: 0
Dressage: 0
Jumping: 0
Intelligence: 0
Stamina: 0
Speed: 0
Strength: 7
Experience: 0
(Total: 7 - Novice )
Image size
3300x2550px 691.71 KB
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Could I use this guy with my slot please? 876 Et Potest In Animo