1785 | Melekure Stables | Filia PeccatumToxicCreed on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/toxiccreed/art/1785-Melekure-Stables-Filia-Peccatum-663215492ToxicCreed

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1785 | Melekure Stables | Filia Peccatum



Melekure Stables Ballator
Thank you so much to sailorvnes for letting me have the opportunity to get this girl. You are amazing and she is simply beautiful and I love her so much. She's everything I could ever hope for ;o; and I will treat her well. I think I have a new favorite Plains baby in my group now :heart:

Filia Peccatum

:bulletblack: Plains Ballator Mare :bulletblack:
Skinchanger to Archetain Applied 03/09/2017 1785 Filia Peccatum - Skinchanger
Slot Unlock Proof

ID: 1785
Name: Filia Peccatum
Barn Name/Nickname: Gemma, Criminal
Sex: Female, Mare
Breed/type: Plains, Heavy Draft
Age: 5 Years
Height: 18hh
Discipline: Hunting (Large Game), Liberty
Genotype: Sooty Seal Bay Archetain (pard) Calva Jester (Carrier) Birdcatcher Spots Ee Ata nSty nAtn nCal nJe
Rarity: 15 Rarity
Seal Bay +0
Sooty +2
Birdcatcher Spots +2
Calva +1
Archetain +3
Pastel Horns +2
Headset (Main) Spined + Spiral +3
Headset (Extra) Straight + Spined +2


Personality/History: Coming Soon 

Quirks: Coming Soon


------------------------------------------ SSS: unknown
----------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: unknown
Sire: 1688 Peste Consumptis
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DS: 092 | IHS Canis Rabiosi
------------------------------------------ DSD: unknown
Dam: 1422 Leanae
------------------------------------------ DDS: unknown
----------------- DD: 1133 Belinda May
------------------------------------------ DDD: unknown


Username | Status | Mate | Resulting Foal 
800 :points: with Full Body Breeding Picture Shaded With Detailed BG or 20 Stats (Art or Literature)
The Melekure Stables: Breeding Agreement
1) Mine | Unused | 3016 |Ventis Hiemalis | Foal Pending
2) Mine | Unused | 3438 | Viridi Tyrannus | Foal Pending
3) Mine
4) Mine
5) Mine
6) MedusasCascade | Used | 1300 BWS Danse Infernal | 1890 BWS Mocha Latte
7) AncientBoo | Used | GWS 566 Delectatio Morosa | GWS 2094 Indra
8) sailorvnes | Unused | Stallion Pending | Foal Pending (Gifted)
9) Private
10) Private
11) Open
12) Open
13) Open
14) Open
15) Closed

This Reference +3 Stats
Inherited Stats: +60 (Father)
1688 Peste Consumptis | Level 2 | Foggy stroll +10 Stats
1688 Peste Consumptis | Level 2 | Bonding +3.5 Stats
Chasing the fox +6 Stats
Hide and Seek | Tundra Hunt +10 Stats

Gaits: 7.5
Dressage: 16.5
Jumping: 11
Intelligence: 3
Stamina: 6.5
Speed: 17
Strength: 14.5
Experience: 5
(Total: 92.5 - Intermediate )

Accepted Foal/import Design: 1785 Filia Peccatum
Breeding Note: Breeding Note
Transfer Note: Here
Proof of Purchase: 1785 Filia Peccatum [SOLD]
New Reference by 
Image size
1024x768px 74.51 KB
© 2017 - 2025 ToxicCreed
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Aspi-Galou's avatar
Oh gosh THIS GIRL IS BACK !! :la:
I'm so happy to see her again !! And with you !! :love: