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Toxic-Mario's avatar

Raise it Higher



Kaboom.  :O DBZ Fluttershy V4.  Know what is kind of interesting....I actually had this picture planned for quite a while....the problem was deciding on which pony to choose for this one.  I decided to revisit my original power up typ of thing like I did with my original Fluttershy.  I wanted to try something a little bit different on it but I was very tempted to try and see if I could redo the original....but I passed it up for now.  :nod:

Anyway on this pic in particular I actually had a pain in the ass time on that ground aura thing.  I completely forgot how to make that it I think I spent well over an hour and a half toying with it until I finally figured out how to make it again.  I do like how it came out but man the layering was so weird.  :|  I am just not used to making that and stuff as much as I should.  I am happy though on this BG.  Like I said before I am trying to open these back up so the focus is back on the pony itself and no all the crap I used to put around it and stuff.

So yeah hope you all like this one.  1/2 way done on the DBZ V4 mane 6 ones of these but first off I got a comic first for next week and then after that...well....I got a DBZ Rarity to show off.  :D  That is a fun one usually.  :iconderpy-hooves:

Fluttershy © Hasbro
Art © Me
Image size
4380x5840px 7.58 MB
© 2016 - 2024 Toxic-Mario
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MorphiusX's avatar
Go Super, I guess...?

*Making a What I've Learned reference.*