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Mark Reality



Huzzah Teenage type CMC bodies....kind of what I was going for in this.  Know what is funny.  For all the filly comics I tend to do during the off-season and stuff....CMC comics I seem to do only in the season.  I think it's mainly cause all their back story and random activities are pretty much done already in the show so there's no point.  XD  CMC comics usually are some of the trickiest for me to make cause getting the idea is easy but the CMCs are pretty tricky for me to do.  IDK why but they always have been...especially Applebloom.  Muffin is in the comic....easy spot this time.  :)

Ok so this one I was surprised how I got the basic idea of the comic right how they basically have been struggling to find themselves and found no one to help but it's the ending obviously that is what was different. :P  Of course.  I think we can call this a 50-50 this week on how close I got to the actual EP.  Although the synopsis on the EP really helped.  :boogie:  I will say this....this was the very first time I ever made the inside of the clubhouse in 5 years of making MLP art.  That is crazy.  I knew I made the outside of it but I never touched the inside of the clubhouse.  That BG is surprisingly tricky.  It's really barren so I tried to put more in it to make it seem less empty cause it looked off. 

Anyway hope you all like this comic.  Onward to Episode 5....luckily I got no conventions till everfree NW so I am back to uploading these like normal for a while.  Huzzah.  If we don't get EP 6s synopsis soon I probably will skip making a EP comic for that one and show off something else....or maybe a filler comic...or a single art from the EP....IDK but time is ticking and no synopsis yet.  :iconderpy-hooves:

How I did it: Paper then Photoshop CS6

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo © Hasbro
Art © Me
Image size
1651x12327px 2.74 MB
© 2016 - 2024 Toxic-Mario
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Happy-Note's avatar
Yep.Whenever you have a problem,eat junk food.That will take everything away.....

*rethinks life choices*