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So fun fact......I am actually uploading this comic here while at Whinny City Pony Con in Chicago.'s weird as usual whenever I got an episode while I am at a convention.  It's fairly quiet in the hall right now cause everyone went to see the Episodes but not me.  I will see it later tonight when I am out of the hall.  Muffin is in this.  :P 

Now for this comic I tried something different cause I didn't ever make Manehattan as far as streets and stuff.  This was a challenge cause there's a lot of buildings and trying to make up some buildings even with looking at a LOT of screenshots as guides on designs, it still was not easy at all.  I like making building BGs....just in the inside they are a LOT easier for the most part.  :faint:  It's weird but I got a more condensed area inside one and it can be a easier at times to add stuff I know I want in.  I think these came out fine and hey...first time making normal ponies in a while in a comic...besides the DBZ pony pics.  :P

Anyway back to vending....should be fine for the next 2 months on Episodes after this cause none will be at a con I am attending cause I got no convention after this till Everfree Northwest in mid-May.  SO......I will see how this EP is tonight.  :iconderpy-hooves:

How I did it: Paper then Photoshop CS6

Pinkie Pie, Maud © Hasbro
Art © Me
Image size
1342x8532px 2.32 MB
© 2016 - 2024 Toxic-Mario
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It’s once upon a Christmas all over again