It is with great pleasure that I present to you the portfolio of my sister, Cláudia Costa. you like donkeys and want to know and see more of them, go check the AEPGA site (, the protectors of the indigenous breed 'Burro de Miranda'.
wow... just WOW!
After 7 years on DeviantArt, I've just received my first Daily Deviation with the foto "L'Amour"
(suggested by :iconStamatisGR:)
Thank you all for visiting my page and favs!After 2 days in bed with the flu and fever, this is the best "Get Well Card" I could receive! :D
Hello everyone!
I've just created a Facebook page for my photos, it's still in a "construction stage", but I'll keep it updated.
And dont worry, DeviantArt will always be my main gallery :DFacebook:
j á . v i . q u e . o . a m i g o . Vitor . d e i x o u . e s t a s . b a n d a s . m a s . f i c a . t a m b é m . a q u i . u m . a b r a ç o . d e . p a r a b é s .