Celebrating Deviousness - July 2021 by team, journal
Celebrating Deviousness - July 2021
In Recognition of Exemplary Membership and an Outstanding Spirit of helpfulness and mentoring within the DeviantArt community
July 2021's Deviousness Award Recipient: @Kate-FoX
@Kate-FoX is one of those deviants who not only excels with her art, but also provides valuable feedback and a plethora of resources to the community. @Kate-FoX goes above and beyond to help others become as successful in their artistic journey as they can be. Her positive spirit is infectious and her help in building foundations for other artists is so humbling. @Kate-FoX is a magnetic and dynamic member of our community and we are delighted to award her with Deviousness for July 2021.
Hello everyone! My name is Katherine, but you probably know me by my alias @Kate-Fox. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, but my digital art journey only started in 2008 and it opened a whole new world for me. DeviantArt is one of the first platforms where I could share my work and receive feedback necessary