The Outpost - June 2020 - Oct 2021

2 min read

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This Journal is for Outpost entry submissions only.

Each raffle will have its own prompt or specific way to enter, so you'll need to keep an eye on this journal for that information. However, general information on how to participate in the Outpost and requirements regarding art and literature entries can be found on the Outpost Information journal. Make sure to read it carefully before entering!


Current Outpost Group Goals:

With the strong bonds handlers have formed with their tokotas, it's time for the adventures to begin...

Current Goal: Complete 50 monthly quests!

Last Updated: 10/18/2021

Progress: 50/50 - Complete!


Current group goal has been met!~


Feral Akotas Available:

None currently! Keep an eye on this journal for news!


:star: Orphaned Akota Pups (genos) Available: :star:

Male - Short Mane

Average - Healthy

Akota - Canarctos rex


Marked collared lilac tawny piebald with barring

* * *

Female - Rough Mane

Average - Healthy

Akota - Canarctos rex


Marked cream dun tundra with starmarks and dapples

* * *

Male - Silky Mane

Average - Healthy

Akota - Canarctos rex


Marked cream thylacine tundra merle with tan points and vitiligo

* * *

Female - Razor Mane

Average - Healthy

Akota - Canarctos rex


Collared sable tawny with pangare, flecking and vitiligo

:star: HOW TO ENTER :star:

Akota pups can be quite a handful. With the days growing shorter as the seasons change, it's getting harder for the folks at the Outpost to keep up with prepping for winter and keeping an eye on those rambunctious bundles of fur. They've enlisted some help from the local residents so they can stay on task.

Depict your handler trying to keep an akota pup (you can draw a starter, a friend's akota, or make one up) out of any shenanigans!

  • All entries - drawn or written - should follow the rules laid out in the Outpost Information journal.

  • You may only submit one entry. This will enter you for all four genos.

  • You may only win one geno.

  • Winners will be chosen randomly via RNG.

  • This raffle will end September 30 at 10:00 PM CST.

This raffle is now closed for entries!


Starter Akota breeding slots Available:

None currently! Keep an eye on this journal for news!


Wild Akotas currently Available:

None currently! Keep an eye on this journal for news!

Wild Akotas can be tamed by anyone, but increasing your rank at the TCA Taming Academy will boost your handling ability of these beasts, thus increasing your chances!


Previous Outpost Journal

© 2020 - 2025 TotemSpirit
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Comment here to enter the geno raffle!

Entry: (link to outpost entry)