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Iluliaq 5044



Registered name: Iluliaq
Nickname(s): Ilu, Iluak, Lia
ID number: 5044
Owner: Surkrinth
Species: Tokotas
Gender: Female
Mane Type: Yeti
Genotype: ee/Aa/Tt/MM/AA/Cc/nR
Phenotype: Marked collared sand roan with accents
Height: 182 cm
Heirarchy status: Alpha
Rites of Fertility: 3/3
    ✓ Rite of Merit: Passed with excellent score.
    ✓ Rite of Fortitude: Passed with excellent score.
    ✓ Rite of Knowledge: Passed with excellent score.
Rites of Dominance: 5/5
Health status: Perfect condition. Fit, active, and in good shape.
Tack Button by TotemSpirit 
            Sturdy bow
 ;; Increases chance of collecting rarer pelts on a hunt by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a hunt to 1%.
            Bright Flashlight ;; Increases probability of finding items while on an expedition by 15%.
            Flint arrows ;; Increases chance of collecting rarer pelts on a hunt by 10%.
            Carabiner;; Increases chance of finding an elemental by 1%.
            Crafted Caving Gear ;; Increases chance of collecting rarer items while caving by 20%, reduces possibility of failing a caving trip to 1%.
            Head Lamp;; Increases probability of finding items while on a caving expedition by 15%.
            Jeweled Pickaxe ;; Provides 50% chance to find an extra gems while caving. Stacks with other caving items.
            Ice Pick ;; Gives a small chance to bring back an additional fossils during caving.

Decoration Button by TotemSpiritHand paint dyes ;; Hand paint dye; color of your choice. Up to two symbols.

Personality: Iluliaq is known for her charming and charismatic nature; she is highly intelligent and has a way with words which allows her to easily con others into doing things for her. She greatly enjoys playing pranks on other Tokotas and handlers, be it stashing an important item somewhere, shaking off water all across them or stealthily hiding until someone walks by to jump out and scare them. Ilu is also highly curious and will often follow and lurk around the subject of her curiosity until she figures them out.

Now that Iluliaq has gotten older she's become a bit more serious and a whole lot calmer. Becoming a mother and leading her own pack has matured the yeti female considerably, and while she still enjoys playing a good prank or two on her pack mates and stashing important items on others she takes her role as alpha seriously and wants to be a good role model for her children and a source of trust and respect from her pack.

- Wild trait:
    5+ point score benefit in all group-sanctioned 
    Ice fishingIce racingSled racing, and Hunting competitions.

- Blessed
    Your tokota can only encounter positive random events. (Does not stack with Aippaq's Luck trait.)

- Aippaq's Fortune II:
    Heterozygous genes have a +10% chance of passing on to offspring. Rare mane types (Including one carrying parent) have a +10% chance of passing on to offspring.

- Aippaq's Boon
    Increases your Tokota's chance of finding Trait Tokens in any activity.

- Caver
    Caving items retrieved by the tokota are worth 20%+ of their usual reward when redeemed at Toko Tokens Bank.

- Lucky
    Increased chance of encountering a random event.

- Snow White II
    Tier Two: Unlocked once Dominance is reached
    Up to four companions allowed.

- Creature Whisperer
    Increased chance to locate companion animals on an exploration or caving trip.

------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Kangee WM01 
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Nostromo 2490 
------------------------------------------ SDS: North 1017 
----------------- SD: Inuksuk 1699 
------------------------------------------ SDD: Alaska F406 
------------------------------------------ DSS: Keelut 225 
----------------- DS: Hund's Tate 359 
------------------------------------------ DSD: Astrid 135 
Dam: Peaches 2588 
------------------------------------------ DDS: Hund's Tuari 646 
----------------- DD:  Jordan 1919 
------------------------------------------ DDD: Eponine 1123 

Design (c) Surkrinth 
Image size
2543x1936px 3.77 MB
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amoniwolf's avatar
YES Surkrinth Those items and handpaints are gorgeous!