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Hayes 25934



Registered name: Hayes
Nickname(s): ---
ID number: 25934
Owner: BeachBumDunkin
     Previously: unicorn-tails, Siehn, DemonicNight, DepartedDoe 
Species: Tokotas
Breed: Canarctos Dirus - 50%
Gender: Male
Mane type: Natural
Genotype: ee/aa/Tt/MM/CC/AA/GG/nPng
Phenotype: Marked collared greying tundra with accents and pangare
Height: 210 cm
Hierarchy status: Dominant
Rites of Fertility: 3/3
Rites of Dominance: 3/3
Health Status: Perfect condition. Fit, active, and in good shape. Very Muscular and Heavy, Built like a Tank.

Personality: Despite looking decently delicate and sweet, Hayes is anything but. He's a brute and not afraid to show it. The giant male is full of surprises; extremely intelligent and athletic but doesn't show it often. Others thing he's sick; physically and mentally. He makes it seem like he's not capable; injured and unhealthy when truthfully, he's very skilled and sure of himself. He's brutal, manipulative and sly. He wants you to think he's sick and needs help when in truth, he's probably the most sure of himself out of anyone.

Physical Traits:

- Impeccable Stamina
+10 bonus points to any group-held endurance competition. (Includes Rite of Fortitude, and Rite of Merit - Partnership Trait - Water Rescue)

- Wild trait:
    5+ point score benefit in all group-sanctioned 
    Ice fishingIce racingSled racing, and Hunting competitions.

------------------------------------------ SSS: Jin 4550
----------------- SS: Ultan 8830
------------------------------------------ SSD: Tofi 5773
Sire: Stoick the Vast 23825
------------------------------------------ SDS: Fenrir 1886
----------------- SD: Dama 8021
------------------------------------------ SDD: Kaniq 744
------------------------------------------ DSS: Tonga 182
----------------- DS: Drogo 515
------------------------------------------ DSD: Alpha Female 5
Dam: Soot 20478
------------------------------------------ DDS: Alpha Male 2
----------------- DD: Daenerys 514
------------------------------------------ DDD: Oona 20

Design (c) DepartedDoe
Image size
1024x780px 569.32 KB
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