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Atka 7144



Registered name: Atka
Nickname(s): Atty, Spirit
ID number: 7144
Owner: magrunemoon
        Previously: SelahAnn 
Breeder: Semi-custom
Species: Tokotas
Breed: Canarctos venatori
Gender: Male
Age: 5 Years
Mane type: Natural
Genotype: ee/aa/TT/nM/nG/nSbl/nDp
Phenotype: Marked Graying tundra sable with dapples
Eye color: Green 
Height: 188 cm
Weight: 900 lbs
Hierarchy status: Alpha
Rites of Fertility: 3/3
    ✓ Rite of Merit: Passed with excellent score. 
    ✓ Rite of Fortitude: Passed with excellent score.
    ✓ Rite of the Hunt: Passed with excellent score.
Rites of Dominance: 0/5
Health Status: Perfect condition. Fit, active, and in good shape.
Tack Button by TotemSpirit
            Head Lamp ;; Increases probability of finding items while on a spelunking expedition by 15%.
            Carbon Fiber Rope ;; Increases chance of collecting rarer items by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a spelunking expedition to 1%.
            Carabiner ;; Increases chance of finding an elemental by 1%.

Personality: Atka is a quiet and reserved male.  Sometimes he presents an aura of something much older and wiser, an ancient soul.  He prefers the solitude of the wilderness and is highly uncomfortable in civilized areas with lots of activity.  He’s not overly aggressive, but he won’t hesitate to show his unease with a growl or flash of teeth.  He’s very careful in his choices of companions, but any who make that list will have a friend and protector for life.

- Wild trait:
    5+ point score benefit in all group-sanctioned 
    Ice fishingIce racingSled racing, and Hunting competitions.

- Aippaq's Boon
Increases your Tokota's chance of finding Trait Tokens in any activity.

------------------------------------------ SSS:Unknown
----------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Oomailiq 6799
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD:Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Balan 6798
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown

Design (c) noebelle 
Image size
1024x780px 668.47 KB
© 2015 - 2024 TotemSpirit
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