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Here it is.

After seeing the comments on my other version, I decided that the time had come for me to do justice to a true tribute to M.C. Escher. I have grown a lot since my previous version and I love this piece a lot more.

I spent the past year working on it. But I didn't work on it every day. There were some weeks that would go by where I wouldn't even touch it.

24 colors(not including white)
Made 100% in MS Paint

I still have a long way to go until I'm as good as fool, jalonso, daporta, or any of the other giants in pixel art. But I am satisfied with this piece.

And I'd like to end this with the actual commentary from M.C. Escher himself:

The water of a fall, which sets in motion a miller's wheel, zigzags gently down through a gutter between two towers till it reaches the point from which it drops down again. The miller can keep it in perpetual motion by adding a bucket of water now and then to compensate for evaporation.
The towers are equally high, yet the left one is a story higher than the other. The polyhedrons on their top have no special significance. I have put them there simply because I like them so much: to the left, three intersecting cubes, to the right, three octahedrons.
The background is a southern Italian terraced landscape, and the lower left corner is filled with greatly enlarged moss plants. The cups are, in reality, only about a tenth of an inch high.
The theme of this self-supporting waterfall is based upon the triangle...of Roger Penrose, a son of the inventor of the "continuous staircase" in Ascending and Descending. It is perhaps worthwhile to quote his article in The British Journal of Psychology, February 1985: "Here is a perspective drawing, each part of which is accepted as representing a three-dimensional, rectangular structure. The lines of the drawing are, however, connected in such a manner as to reproduce an impossibility. As the eye pursues the lines of the figure, sudden changes in interpretation of distance of the object from the observer are necessary."

M. C. E.

Enjoy :)
Image size
879x1252px 155.1 KB
© 2010 - 2024 ToshioMagic
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Hop41's avatar
I like details you've added since the first version: the man leaning on the balcony looking up, the woman hanging clothes, the coral and sea life in the garden.

I like the white space too. But I imagine you could do a very nice version of the terraced hill side Escher had for the back ground in the original print.

With my comment there will be 3 Penrose triangle avatars underneath an image based on the Penrose triangle.