TeaToru-meow on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/toru-meow/art/Tea-360732435Toru-meow

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Hot tea is the most wonderful thing in the whole world. Well, except kisses))
The man is albino, yes)

Upd: Thank you for all kind words! I love you, guys! So sorry, but I can't answer to all of you, and I must give a little annotation to this piece. This is not historical scene, it is fiction. It's not Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan or China. It is my litte fantasy around of asian people and traditional clothing, a part of illustration for fantasy story wrotten by me and me friend. Sorry, but you can't read it eather. 8))
Next time I think I must show some of traditional russian costume...
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4169x2953px 14.64 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Toru-meow
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WolfgangAlhazred's avatar

Inner Asia is a store of fascinating ideas and peoples. With Uzbeks, Koryo Saram, Ngoloks, and Burkitshi eagle hunters just to name a few, it's a crying shame hardly anyone's drawn from that store of cultural and mythological wealth! I'm glad you have though. Excellent work!