May 24th Unofficial DevMeet - Anime North

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Anime North 2008 Day by MoukoHiryuu

Join us for a massive group photo at Anime North this Saturday! We missed our meet this month but since I know many people are already going to Anime North then all we need is for something to happen. Trying to manage such a large group of people to go to certain events would be tricky but I think showing up for one big photo should be easy enough. I know it's kinda last minute but for a while I wasn't sure if I could go to host the event.

I know it's gonna be packed there so to find me and everyone else, I am equiped with a bright red laptop bag with yellow flower prints on it. I will either be dressed as a male version of the Wii Fit Trainer ( thenintendohome.files.wordpres… ) or just dressed in plain clothes. And if that isn't enough, I am also bringing a large DevMEET Deviantart Sign.

:star: We don't need a minimum RSVP this time, I'll be there waiting just in case. If you think you can come to the Photo please RSVP here! :emailsend:


:bulletblack: 2:00PM Meet at the front of the Toronto Congress Centre; the main building at Anime North ( ).
:bulletblack: 2:15PM We'll Do the Photo!
:bulletblack: After that you can stay and hang out for a bit or go back to whatever you had planned on doing; whatever happens happens.

What to Bring:

:bulletblack: Yourself.
:bulletblack: If you are or aren't cosplaying it doesn't really matter.

Any questions, just ask. :)

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Sin-Q-Bus's avatar
I googled the route and I must be at Kennedy Station no later than 12:30.
We will be cutting it very close as this will be the furthest DevMEET I have ever been on and I have not been in Etobicoke since I was born.