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Altronian BattleCRAFT



Work in progress, more details on way.

The classification of ship is beyond Battleship, which traditionally means "The" capital ship that leads fleets into battle.

Since Altronians have a WIDE range of sized ships that would technically be a BattleCON, but those primarily DO not go to battle, rather stay hidden and out of the way.  Although those ships can take on forces on a galactic level, they needed a formidable ship for defense that was not as 'overt' and did not show their immense hand of power.  For a race that molds galaxies they designed this craft as a multi-functional deep space role as well. 

These ships are about twice the size of what they call their front line battleships.
They have colonies in them.  Often used to set up planetary settlements.

They have 10's of feet of specialized armor. Bristle with anti-air batteries, and have dozens of anti-frigate and mid sized ship weapons (much further range then any known race to humans), and sport BLADE energy barrettes.   They also have a fully function EDMD weapons array. 

Several different spinal mount high yield weaponry, Which remains classified.  It is safe to assume by humans it is beyond Meson or even anti-proton yield.

Launching bays are large enough to hold Human sized battleships, and most of the fighter support is done by Drones that launch in rapid multi-'CHIP' fashion.  (Some have commented it looks like a "Pringles" can emptying chips, but they are all Drones.... So thousands are able to be launched almost instantly.)

The one other thing is it carries "SUB" frigates... These are frigate sized manned craft, sometimes unmanned, that deserve their own discussion. 

Typically there are 3 other class of ships found larger then this, one is the already mentioned BattleCON, the other is heavy mover Colony/Tera-forming ships.  Then there are the Motherships. 

Where as a BattleCON is the long term home for Alronians, with WORLD sized populations. Motherships are country or on small end city sized residents, usually near a BattleCON.

I have the USS Nuclear Nimitz class carrier for size comparison and the smallest nuke the US has ever made just to give idea of size.
Additionally there is a Destroyer and frigate of Altronian origin next to it.

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© 2020 - 2024 TorinZece
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Do these craft have their power plants on board or do Alronians use some sort of trans-dimensional power transmission system from a more centralized power generation location?

Also what does EDMD stand for?