Aerith ribbon Mianju-styleToriikoCosplay on DeviantArt

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Aerith ribbon Mianju-style



Okay, I really didn't think I'd be making a tutorial, not ever, but ESPECIALLY not now, since .. Well, since I am a beginner to start with, and since I am all to lazy to end it with. x'D

But well, anyways, to make a long story short;
Ribbons are pretty, Aerith's ribbon is pretty, and simple as it seems, to me and my dear friend Mimmi, it was a hell to make, and even WORSE to get on right.
So, with very little fabric and patience for crooked ribbons left, I came up with this solution.
And if I may say so myself, it worked out very well !
So I hope that others might have use for my idea. ^^ ( even though I'm probably not the first one to come up with it, but what the heck. )

And yes, I know that my hair, and the ribbon looks messy in the last pic, I'm simply going to blame my mothers not all too great hand with my camera, and the fact that I just wanted to show you all really quick. ( My laziness is actually the biggest reason, but let's pretend it's not. )
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VortexCosplay's avatar
This is really helpful! :meow: I'm cosplaying as Aerith to Armageddon next week and I still have to make her bow! ^.^