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Toradh's avatar

The Fates



Yesss, I finally managed to get this painted.

This is one of those paintings which I had in mind for ages. I have a thing for allegorical deities and for personifications. The Fates are one example, others are Death and Fame (just in case you couldn't tell that I really have a thing for those!). I wanted them to be as anonymous as possible – so I don't care (or even know) whether it's the Parcae, the Moirai, the Norns or I don't care what you want to call them. It's just the Fates.
(with some Giger-ish stuff in the background. I like Giger)

And yes, I got it wrong here: the oldest sister should be the one cutting the thread, the youngest one weaving it. But I like the composition the way it is, so there. Let‘s just assume they’re like Orgoch, Orddu and Orwen from The Chronicles of Prydain and change roles all the time…

Scanning this was a pain because the painting is really large and the paper doesn't fit flatly on my scanner, so some parts are blurred and it's also slightly cropped, but I think it doesn't matter that much when sized down. Still, this looks so much different from the original… because of course the scanner ate colour again. Lots of colour.

Watercolour and some gold-paint.
Image size
1490x1043px 432.34 KB
© 2013 - 2024 Toradh
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MatejCadil's avatar
Awesome, very interesting designs, all in such a limited palette, great!