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topherchews's avatar

Pokemon logo set 1



I've been practicing making simple logos/masks with Pokemon as the subject. The goal is to make something that is recognisable from as few elements as possible. The pokemon here are Gogoat, Pikachu, Lugia, Mismagius, Entei, Altaria, Haunter, and Luxray. The Pikachu I did first and because of that it's actually slightly different in design from the rest. 

Done in Illustrator
All characters and names belong to Nintendo
Design (c) Tal96 2014
Please do no use this without permission
Image size
1000x1415px 375.05 KB
© 2014 - 2024 topherchews
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ShinyGazza's avatar
it's really hard to tell that the yellow one is pikachu XP are you going to change it?
(im asking that in the nicest way possible though it sounds rather rude)