Australian Border Patrol Patchtopher147 on DeviantArt

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Australian Border Patrol Patch



So I flicked on the news to see that Australia had now it's own Border Patrol?! Known as the Australian Border Force (ABF).

Where did that come from?! What do these guys do that others weren't doing?! Is Australia under attack?!? Is this an Australian version of the Coast Guard? or is it Customs?!

So when I went to look up more about this I found that the US Border Patrol logo patch came up. Sure the United States have been doing this for years keeping people out of their land for decades, not too many problems up north I hear, but down south looks crazy as hell?!

So All I did was a quick 5 minutes worth of work and boom!

There we have an Australian twist on the version of the very famous U.S.A Border Patrol patch / sticker / logo before it was made into the department of US Homeland Security.…

It's a very dark Navy background with 1970's gold yellow look about it. I'm sure it would stand out on the olive green uniforms that they wore back in the 1960's and 70's.

It's not as good as it could be, but then I've just basically copied the US version and made it into an Australian version.

It would be very easy to make this a lot nicer and not so bold version of this, but as I said, it's a direct copy of the 1960 / 1970's version.

I may do an updated version... later?!


After looking at the newly branded Australian Border Force Crest / Logo I have updated the Australian Border Patrol (ABF)Patch to reflect the similar colors used by Australian Border Force. I don't believe they are the same (PMS) colors as the Official Australian Government ABF Branding, but they should be close enough for people to enjoy on Deviantart.
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3543x3543px 978.28 KB
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