SupTopHatDoh on DeviantArt

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I've been putting off redesigning TopHat for a loooong time, either because of lazieness or fear. Since he's my persona/fursona I wanted him to represent me accurately, but I've been realizing that making him look like my very feminine atm self is a terrible idea that kinda just led to him getting shelved for years and made me feel bad about him, even when I tried to like him. So here he is! The new TopHat. This is kinda a big deal for me so I'm happy I like it so much.

I just think I should confirm this here for context in people haven't figured it out:
I'm a trans man, hence why all my sona's have gone through a weird transition point and are being redesigned, I thought I should put that here and let it be known since I would like my followers to know, but I can't announce it on YouTube because my family watches my video's... hehe- oops. Anyway's I'm so happy with how TopHat looks now!
Image size
2000x2400px 1.63 MB
© 2023 - 2025 TopHatDoh
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