Devonic seaTopGon on DeviantArt

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Devonic sea



This is a representation of a Dunkleosteus terrelli chasing a smaller Cladoselache sp. This would have been usual in the devonic period.
Dunkleosteus was the king of the seas of his era. It measured about 9 meters in lenght. Dunkleosteus belonged to the placoderms family. An ancient kind of fishes caracterized by havin great and heavy bone plates protecting their heads. They became extinct during the late Devonic.
Cladoselache in the other side, is one of the first sharks. It reached around 1 meter in lenght. Today thereare members of the family Chlamydoselachidae living in the seas wich are one of the most basal sharks living. The have a terminal mouth shared in common with the extant cladoselachids.
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1476x1131px 332.98 KB
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HellCreekTheropods's avatar
I am doing a presentation for my local gem and mineral show about extinctions. I was wondering if there is any possibility that I could use this drawing to talk about the Devonian Mass Extinction