Create A Fursona v3 Femaletony64 on DeviantArt

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tony64's avatar

Create A Fursona v3 Female



Edit:Forgot to mention that your all allowed to post your creations on DA or anywhere as long as you link back to the game and/or my DA, thanks :)

The sequel to the (somewhat) popular Create a Fursona 2. CAFv3 has been built absolutely from scratch with completely new and improved artwork. Hundreds.....nay, Thousands of items to choose from, and new to the series, Advanced RGB mode. This will allow any users who are knowledgable of how RGB works to take full advantage of the entire "computer color wheel" to further make a fursona their own.

I do hope you all enjoy.
It's taken me 2 years to make this game all by myself. That probably doesn't sound like much now, but just take a look at the game first :D

Feature List:
-Fully Revamped Artwork
-More Categories
-WAY more items
-more possible species
-"Guest" items from popular Animes, Cartoons and Games
-Dual Color Choices
-Advanced RGB Mode
-Randomization button (quite fun)

Image size
889x500px 1.73 MB
© 2008 - 2025 tony64
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Nin10dohgirl's avatar

I can't play this OR its Male counterpart like I used to be able to TT.TT