Jin Kazama Tekken 4  XPS MeshModTony-Antwonio on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tony-antwonio/art/Jin-Kazama-Tekken-4-XPS-MeshMod-476608238Tony-Antwonio

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Tony-Antwonio's avatar

Jin Kazama Tekken 4 XPS MeshMod



this was one of my favorite jin costumes through out the series, so I had to make this one. wish I could have done the gloves :/ but I think it turned out ok the way it is. now when you move his arms far enough, they start to show through the sleeve, just use the "sleeve adjust" bones to fix this

NOTE: if you use this model in any art Please credit me as Creator of the model
a VERY special thanks  to  :iconundeadmentor: for helping me out with this model. without her this model wouldn't be up. make sure to check out her mods as well! they're awesome!

Original Jin model by xhildegardvonkronex
© 2014 - 2025 Tony-Antwonio
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handmadelove's avatar

any idea why this model crashes my blender every time i export it in there? Never had any issues with other models 😪