Thescelosaurus amendmentTomozaurus on DeviantArt

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Thescelosaurus amendment



Not too long ago I did this:… displaying what I considered to be three equally possible alternatives in integument for basal ornithopod Thescelosaurus. Well, as per an abstract for this years meeting of the society of vertebrate palaeontologists all three are now out of favour for something like what is illustrated here.

Note that this is taken from the abstract only, so full details will possibly change this even more, and it is unknown exactly what the animal from the paper's affinities are (beyond basal neoornithischian or ornithopod) so Thescelosaurus may have shown variation on the basal condition, but this is the best we have for now.

The abstract describes a basal neoornithischian with simple "filamentous feathers, as well as compound feather-like structures comparable to those in theropods" as well as a scaly distal tibia and feet resembling those of euornithes and a scaly tail with "large imbricated scales on its dorsal surface".
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Compound structures? Wow! Any risk of misinterpretation?