Red Sonja Skull QueenTomKellyART on DeviantArt

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Red Sonja Skull Queen



Hey all for the Challengers Assemble Sketch blog, this week the was theme was "Red Sonja". Red Sonja is a comic character from the 1960/70's who sort of defines the sexy warrior woman in a chain mail bikini. Red Sonja is a a female Conan type and has teamed up with Conan over the years. Sonja is strong,tough,clever,and a leader also her books are always two fisted action/adventure tales. Even though she is a sexy character, her books are more about sword battles and fighting monsters than any cheese cake stuff.
If you like sword and sorcery or barbarian adventure stories check out these books. (ps their is a movie but it's only worth watching for the enjoyment of laughing at the film).

Hey when you get a chance POP on over to the Challengers Assemble blog.
here is the link. Go to that site it's really cool and I totally encourage everyone to participate in the sketch blog and its themes it's tons and tons of fun as well as a great creative challenge.

I created this illustration using Illustrator CS6, the pen tool and a few layers.
Image size
625x1000px 305.14 KB
© 2013 - 2024 TomKellyART
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black-dog2008's avatar
Looks pretty cool!