Birthday: 05.07.1990
Coz Deviant Art becomed garbage site i dont use it anymore its hard to comunicate here with anyone or send notes so if you want get commission from me or got other questions i am now on FA coz site is more easy to use
FA account
hello to you take any request
You have with your loved ones a Happy Birthday and this year God fill you with blessings and happiness my friend.
Can you make Tina pregnant
Leaving here message for people who did not read my journal i dont use anymore DA after that site did become garbage its flustrating to use it whole site is mess and i dont plan come back here till they finaly fix this if you want find me i'm now on FA link to my account is in my profile info
Do you people seriously ever bother reading?
i'm not using DA anymore site did become garbage i pref FA coz its more clean and simple to use