Dude who makes Ace Attorney fan games and writes MLP fanfiction. If you couldn't tell, I'm a bit of a nerd.
Definitely think we're missing a lot of context here (even by Wild's own future admission). Twilight's attitude to having a non-unicorn daughter certainly seems out of character (and we know being a unicorn isn't a prerequisite for becoming an alicorn even, as Cadence shows), and I wonder who the father is.
SIlverlay herself... certainly embittered compared to the one we left. Wonder if it has something to do with Twilight's immortality and outliving her friends, namely AJ in this case.
And if Wild is going back in time, facing the differing of opinions regarding future Silverlay VS 'present' Silverlay.
Hm, wonder how far into the future it is compared to whatever the heck happened with Opaline to bring down Equestria as it was...