SUPERMAN! Tom-Redd on DeviantArt

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Tom-Redd's avatar




Gotta lotta pieces comin soon. Lotsa cool superhero pics.

In the meantime, here’s a recent commission of the iconic Superman. I ALWAYS draw my Supes lookin like a Thanksgiving Macy Parade float. Like ‘im to be BIG!

The pose was kinda loosely pulled from an old Iron Man pic I saw and the Clark Kent is all Byrne. I kept Metropolis kinda muted in the background as the supporting cast.

Like it s lot better than my old Superman pic, even tho instill the face from that one, and like the whole phone booth sweepin out thing. Cool pic if you ask me.

ProCreate 8 hours
Image size
3600x5700px 3.94 MB
© 2023 - 2025 Tom-Redd
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DaveAndersenArt's avatar

This composition is one of your best, in terms of the overall idea of him running to the phone booth and having the phone booth destroyed as he busts out of there at super-human speed...with his NAME in the lines of motion!

This is where you really shine as an artist. Your ability to conceptualize something into a graphic that illustrates the concept perfectly. The fact that everything behind Superman is monochromatic because it represents the immediate past of when he ran to the phone's really genius actually.

Your creativity is superb!