Deviation Actions
Can you feel the love?
Get your tokotas primped and pretty, for Tokotines is nearly here! The RNG Cupids will be playing match-maker again and who knows who your Tokota will end up "falling in love" with this time!
How it works
When registration opens, you may enter one of your Tokotas, male or female, to be randomly paired to breed with someone else's tokota: this is your tokota's Tokotine!
Registration is now on site! Go to this page to register your Tokota, but be careful - once you've registered one it's locked in.
The resulting litter will be split between the two Tokotas' owners. The match will be decided by RNG, the litter will be split evenly with odd pups going to the sire’s owner and even ones to the dam’s owner. Sikrinerk has guaranteed an even number of pups in each breeding, so no-one will be left short!
You will have the opportunity to add a Tokotine Card (see below) to your breeding partner to have a special breeding bonus rolled for your breeding, in addition to a Tokotine Cache Box which contains random seasonal prizes!
If you add a Tokotines card you’ll get one extra pup from the breeding just for you!
Event Timeline
Feb 1st - 4th - Registration to submit your Tokota for breeding will be open.
Registration will close at 11:59 pm PST on February 4th. Unlike most events there will not be a grace period, so please get your Tokotas in on time.
Feb 5th/6th - Pairings will be posted so you can see who your Tokotine is, and can begin making your Tokotines cards to apply them to your Tokotine Breeding!
Feb 7th+ - Admins will work through the litters and post filled in Breeding Roller links on the pairings, tagging both Tokota owners. This will include both your Tokotas, but will not include your rolled Tokotines bonuses. This is your opportunity to check for roller input errors - please HOWL on Tokotna if you see any in your breeding.
Behind the scenes, we’ll roll your Tokotines bonus once you’ve posted it and add your Cache. For litters with both Tokotines posted we roll the pups early too!
Feb 13th at 11:59PM PST - Tokotine cards must be posted by this time to be counted. As with registration there will not be a grace period so please make sure your Tokotines are ready for the last post.
Feb 14th+ - Behind the scenes we process any remaining Tokotines, add the Cache boxes for them and roll all remaining breedings.
Once all the pups have been baked and double checked, litters are posted!
Random Date Registration
Registration is on-site:
You can check registration stats here!
Registration is CLOSED!
Registration Rules
You may only enter ONE of your Tokotas.
You may not change your Tokota once it is registered - choose wisely!
Check here to see if you’re registered and see what the entrant stats are.
Tokotas submitted must be breedable with available slots at the time they are registered; Submissive Tokotas and inbred Tokotas will not be accepted.
The submitted Tokota must be owned by you, not a slot you were gifted or bought.
All builds are eligible to be entered in Tokotines!
Only tack and traits applied at the time of submission will be used - please make sure your Tokota is ready to go before submitting!
How Tokotines Matching Works
Matchmaking will be done entirely by RNG. Only tokotas that would normally be able to breed together will be matched (ex. Tokis cannot be bred with Dires/Akotas)
In the event that we have an uneven balance of males and females, some Tokotas will be matched to starters from Silver Tier or higher.
This breeding does not count towards your monthly breeding limit.
This breeding does count towards your Tokota's lifetime limit. All litters will have an even number of pups, rounding up. Odd numbered pups will go to the sire’s owner, even numbered pups to the dam’s owner.
Tokotas will not be paired to risk inbreeding or double merle penalties: this Tokotine season we want happy, healthy puppies!
Tokotines Exchange
The exchange is currently OPEN!
All Tokotines will be posted on match comments on this thread!
Participating in the Tokotines Exchange is an optional bonus for this event if you have registered a Tokota for the Blind Mate breeding event. Participants will receive:
1 x Tokotine Cache Box, containing random event items and exclusive companions.
Anyone who completes a Tokotine will be rolled +1 bonus pup in their litter. If both partners complete a Tokotine, they will each receive an extra pup.
Participants will also have a Breeding Bonus added to their breeding, determined by RNG! (Bonuses are listed below)
To partake, make a 'Tokotine' for your tokota's paired Valentine and post it as a reply to your pairing's comment!
You will have until February 13th at 11:59 PM PST to post your Tokotine before breedings are rolled. If you do not post a Tokotine as a reply to your pairing comment, you will not be rolled to receive the Tokotine Cache Box, nor a breeding bonus.
Blind Kindling Date: Wow, that cutie swiped right on you, and you matched! Depict your Tokota and their random match on a date. Are they everything you dreamed they would be, or do things turn out totally awkward?
(Kindling Profile not required, but you can make your toko one for fun with template found on our 2019 Event)Over the Top Tokotines: Love songs and romantic movies are full of ridiculous clichés, and over the top gestures... think of lyrics like 'I would climb the highest mountain' or 'I would swim to the bottom of the sea'! But your tokota is a true romantic at heart, and intends to take some of these silly ideas quite literally. Depict your tokota taking their tokotine on a totally over-the-top date - perhaps they'll hike to the highest peak in all of Tokotna, hire an airplane to write their message of love in the sky, or maybe they'll even have to crash their crushes wedding to another tokota!? The more outlandish, the better.
Spreading the Love: Tokotines isn't just about couples, maybe your Tokota and their match could spend some time handing out flowers, delivering presents or making cards for those who are often overlooked on the day, whether that's Fenrir (because he bites the mailman), friends, family or TCA staff.
Tokotine Exchange Rules
The Tokotine should include your random match. You may include your own Tokota to show both tokos in the pairing!
Tag their owner when you submit it to DA so they can use it for HP!
Tokotines must be PG in nature and not contain any swear words or graphic content.
Art minimum requirements are for a headshot of your Valentine's toko, and that it be recognizable to count for HP. (Art entries will need to be at least fullbody (75%+) with a semi-complex background to qualify for the Breeding Image HP Bonus.)
Tokotines may be written rather than drawn, in the form of a short story or poem/song/ode/sonnet etc. They should be at least 400 words! (Literature entries will need to be at least 1200 to qualify for the Breeding Image HP Bonus.)
You may not commission Tokotines.
Collaborations are allowed if you wish to work together with your paired partner, or with a friend!
You may make as many Tokotines as you like (in fact, we encourage it!), but you will be allowed to submit it to your paired breeding only once and you can receive only one cache box.
Possible (Randomly Rolled) Breeding Bonuses include:
Litter Quantity bonus:
+ Appropriate Fertility Supplements equivalent (not applicable if appropriate trait or companion for the breeding present on either Tokota, or Aga sprite on any of their parents);
+ Hare ;
+ Lavender ;
+ Spirit Dove ;
Non-Physical traits bonus:
+ Lovebird (if at least one Non-Physical trait present) ;
Mane bonus:
+ Kelpie (if both Natural manes)
Mane or Non-Physical trait bonus:
Stylist Token (requires at least one RM, VRM or UT to be present, will be randomised between the RM, VRM and UTs present)
Mutation bonus:
Nightmare (if no hereditary or non-hereditary mutations present)
Mimic (if at least one hereditary mutation present)
Hierarchy (+ possible random traits) bonus:
+ Roll as Alpha (if neither Tokota is Alpha) ;
+ Roll as Dominant (if neither Tokota is Dom+) ;
Build bonus:
Appropriate Build Booster (requires a non-standard build to be present, will be rolled between available builds if there is more than one non-standard)
With the exception of Hares*, each Bonus can only be applied to a breeding once, and only if they are applicable.
That means, if your Tokota already has a Lovebird companion, you will not be eligible for the Lovebird rolling bonus: you will get something else instead!
If your Tokota is already Alpha, it will not be eligible for the Alpha bonus roll; it will also not be eligible for the Dominant bonus roll.
Your Tokota does not need to be Dominant+ to have a Soul Pool bonus (Mimic or Spirit Dove) rolled as your breeding bonus.
*Hares are applied per Tokota, so your breeding could technically be rolled with two Hares!
Can my Tokotine be used as an Activity image?
No, Tokotines are a Special Event bonus entry! They cannot be rolled for activities or used in any other part of the group.
Can my Tokotine count for Woodpecker Totem?
If it meets the breeding image requirements, yes! Please use the thread comment where you post your Tokotine for Totem Proof, this makes it easy for Bank to check.
Is there a special HP bonus for Tokotines?
Tokotines that include a full-bodied tokota (at least 75% showing) with a semi-complex background will qualify for the Breeding Image HP Bonus. Literature entries must mention the tokota throughout the text and be at least 1200 words to qualify.
I have a tokota that doesn't have its AoAs yet but its Rites are done, can I still submit it?
No! All Tokotas participating must have their AoA/be breedable at the time they are registered. This also means the Tokota cannot be Submissive as Submissive Tokotas cannot breed.
If my breeding partner has already submitted a Tokotine to our breeding, can I still submit one?
Yes! You both may submit a Tokotine to your breeding for up to two breeding bonuses in your pairing!
I messed up something on my form. What should I do?
Please HOWL on Tokotna with what needs fixing before Registration closes!
This only applies for cases where the Tokota you submitted was invalid (no AoAs, didn't belong to you). There is no option to swap out a valid Tokota or add new information to them because Admins start processing tokotas as soon as they come in to allow a timely Tokotines. Please make sure your Tokota is correct before submitting!
What if I can't find my match?
Search the thread to double check, then post on this thread.
I didn't get a tag!
Please search the thread for your username. If it's still missing, please HOWL on Tokotna.
Something's wrong with the Breeding Link for my breeding!
Please HOWL on Tokotna with a link to your pairing.
Something's wrong with my breeding!
Please HOWL on Tokotna with a link to your breeding.
I didn't get my cache!
Please HOWL on Tokotna with a link to your breeding. Note, caches are handed out starting as soon as Tokotines are posted, so you may receive them any time after posting your Tokotine - please check the logs on your profile.
Can I use Meelanik Sprite?
No. We want nice, healthy litters rather than devoured puppies.
Can I use Blessed Union?
It can be passed as a standard UT, its bonus can't be used.
Can I apply a consumable to the litter?
No, only tack, traits and companions applied to the Tokota at registration can be used.
Will my Tokota's Hierachy be updated if I rank them up after submission?
No, your Tokota must be ready to go when registered as we take a snapshot then. This is to avoid a rush on HU at the start of Feb.
I've added more tack after registration, will it be used?
No. We take a snapshot of your Tokota on registration. Please apply any tack before submitting them.
My Average Tokota has a Soul Pool blessing, will it work?
No. Soul Pool blessings, whether trait or companion, should only be applicable to Dominant Tokotas. We're working on the bug, but at the moment if you try to use one on an Average Tokota it will be removed and refunded to your bank.
How do litter size bonuses work given guaranteed even pup numbers?
It goes like this:
We roll your base litter size, including all the boosters. If you had lavender, spirit dove and swan on a standard litter with at least one dominant Tokota, that'd give you 3-7 pups as your range.If that result is odd, we add one so the number is even. So 3 pups becomes 4, 7 becomes 8.
We then add the extra pups from Tokotines cards on top of that. If both players in that example did their Tokotines cards, they'd get 6 pups minimum (3 each) and 10 pups maximum (5 each).
Some of our lovely couples from last year:
Outpost Outreach 2025 - [CLOSED]
TCA Rehoming Project 2025 [CLOSED]
Wild Packs [2025] [CLOSED]
Faction Points 2025 [OPEN]
Questions or Missing Tokotas
Please search the thread before reporting your Tokota missing their date, as dA tags are not always reliable.