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Gaskin's Graveyard 2024 [OPEN]
This place seems familiar...
As Tokoween looms nearer, there have been an increase in reported sightings of Dr. Gaskin in the area of the cursed graveyard. Fresh graves appear every night until one dark, starless night mysterious lights are noticed flickering around the graveyard. In the morning, upon cautious investigating, the good doctor's laboratory seems to have flashed into existence once more.
A sign stating "Offerings Accepted" hangs on the fence next to an open gate on creaky, sagging hinges. If one were to brave this location at night, they might be (un)lucky enough to behold a host of small, mischievous glowing spirits flitting around the graveyard. It would be wise to make sure any valuables are secure.
The Graveyard gates are open!
The Graveyard
Dr. Gaskin always needs more fodder for experiments! Throw them a bone, and they might throw you one back.
In the Graveyard, you can hand over 2-10 genos and let the good doctor get to work. They’ll take them apart and
Tokoween 2024 - Planting Dreams [OPEN]
With the plantlife of the new areas thoroughly documented, it is time to return to the familiar lands of Taniya, where the trees are starting to show their autumn colours and deeper snow is gathering on the mountains.
What do I have to do?
Draw or write about one of your Tokotas in Taniya alongside Freki 32540, the Taktuq Pack representative, investigating the plants there, whether native flora or planted by humans.
All entries must take place in Taniya! Please pick pick any of the Canon Locations on its Region Page for the background.
Literature must follow the Universal Lit Requirements . Any nicknames you want to count towards mentions must be listed. Freki 32540 should be mentioned at least 7 times. A plant should be mentioned 2-3 times, please list the plant name in the lit description. The Taniya Canon Location should be mentioned 2 or more times by name, and the description should be reasonably consistent with the location (e.g. if you are in Primeval Pits there should
Tokoween 2024 [OPEN]
Welcome to Tokoween 2024!
Deadline for Entries11/5 at 11:59 PM (All Contests)
The moon rises high over Tokotna, the eerie pale light casting long shadows over the land. Paws hurriedly run as fast as they can over uneven ground. Better be careful or the creature chasing you may catch up...
You watch your first movie of the season from the safety of your home, glad it's not you running through the dark for your life. Soon all the Tokoween Festivities will kick off with costume contests, trick or treating, and maybe a trip to the Graveyard.
>> Submit your Costume Celebration entries HERE > Submit your Tokoween Creepypasta entries HERE
Tokoween Wilds 2024 [OPEN]
This Tokoween Event is Open
A howl rings out as the full moon rises
Tokoween is so full of surprises
Tricks or treats, you'll never know
When Sivoganik may decide to show
Some particularly spooky tokotas have been spotted, will you be brave enough to try and win over one of their hearts?
For more information on how to enter, please head over to the Taming a Wild Tokota page on Tokotna!
Raffle Wilds
The Void WF324
[Comment Here to Enter]
Eternal Silence WM326
[Comment Here to Enter]
Grimhound WM325
[Comment Here to Enter]
Kupo WF327
[Comment Here to Enter]
Raffle Rules
You may earn ONLY ONE raffle ticket in each entry when submitting. You may only create one single taming attempt entry for each raffle (one per toko).
For your ticket: give your handler a Halloween costume! (Representative traited tokotas may be used but they'll have to have a costume to count!)
OR For a ticket: include someone else's tokota! A treat for your friend! (link its import in the
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"- Create a piece of art that depicts your handler meeting his/her favorite Wild Heart or Mediator traited tokota."
Can this be any tokota or will it need to be a starter/wild? I own a toko with the mediator trait and I was thinking of using him!