The Last Days of SunTohad on DeviantArt

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The Last Days of Sun



Track for this picture

FR : Encore un peu de ciel bleu avant le début de l'automne, vous savez cette saison qui vous oblige porter des habits à manches longues, rappelle le traumatisme de la rentrée des classes et inspire les chanteurs à moustaches.
Comme je suis un mec super sympa que je rêverais d'avoir en ami, je vous offre la version fond d'écran de cette illustration à cette adresse ! Non ne me remerciez pas, par contre, si l'envie vous prend, vous pouvez participer ou partager la page du Ulule pour commander l'album des Badass Cartoons !

ENG : A little blue sky before the beginning of fall, you know this season that requires you to wear long sleeve clothes, recalls the trauma of the school year and inspires singers with mustaches.
As I am a great guy nice that I would dream of having as a friend, I give you the desktop
background of this illustration version here! No, don't thank me, but, if you fancy, you can participate or share my crowdfuding page to order the album of Badass Cartoons! :

Badass Cartoons THE BOOK by Tohad

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Previous artworks :
Abandoned park by Tohad Ravens Tower by Tohad Lost headquarters by Tohad Aquadragon by Tohad Ruins by Tohad

Image size
1152x749px 182.93 KB
© 2014 - 2024 Tohad
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Reminds me of the 90s, reminds me of my birthplace, reminds me of my childhood. Everytime I see this illustration all those feelings and all those emotions and all those memories came gushing through like currents of overflowing water its overwhelming. No matter how much I miss those times, those places, I cant ever go back. The only thing left is just, memories and bittersweet feelings and emotions.