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Badass Cartoons THE BOOK



ENGLISH : Last week, I initiated a crowdfunding project on a site similar to Kickstarter to raise funds to print a collection of my illustrations of Badass Cartoons here :
As the entire body of work is being self-published, the funds raised on Ulule will finance a high quality print version of Badass Cartoons.  The goal is to print a beautiful bound hardcopy of the book filled with lovely, colorful pages dedicated to the psychopaths who make up Badass.  The work is in comic book form (17x24 cm) containing more than 100 pages comprising illustrations of the Badasses, their descriptions in English and French (professionally translated and corrected !), as well as a few previously unpublished surprises !
For a $26, you will receive Badass Cartoons by mail, shipping cost included, all around the world !
The book will be ready to send to the printer as soon as the $9100 goal is reached.  Copies will be ready as soon as possible after the end of the Ulule campaign in order to get them sent out by the end of October, beginning of November.  
By participating in the publishing of Badass Cartoons, you are contributing to the preservation of the independence of the author and supporting the free distribution of his illustrations on the internet without the numerous restrictions placed on traditionally published works.
Whether by contribution or by sharing the project page, all support is appreciated! Thank ! I would be happy to answer your questions !


EDIT DU 1er Janvier 2015 : La campagne étant une réussite et le
projet Ulule terminé, vous pouvez dès à présent commander l'album
directement sur ma boutique en ligne à l'adresse suivante :

Pour toute questions supplémentaire, n'hésite pas à me contacter sur mon mail :

J'ai lancé un financement participatif pour le livre des Badass Cartoons qui s'est terminé récemment et qui est maintenant disponible sur ma boutique en ligne à cette adresse !
L'intégralité de l’ouvrage étant produit en auto-édition, la récolte de fonds sur Ulule va permettre de réaliser l’impression de la compilation des Badass chez un imprimeur de qualité. L’objectif étant de faire imprimer un bel album relié et cartonné afin d'obtenir un beau livre objet mettant en valeur les jolies pages colorées de la bande de psychopathes que constituent les Badass. L’ouvrage au format comic (17x24 cm) contient plus de 100 pages comprenant les illustrations des Badass, leurs descriptions en français et en anglais ainsi que quelques surprises inédites.

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Previous Badass Cartoons :

Winnie the pooh BADASS by Tohad The Teletubbies BADASS by Tohad Denver the last dinosaur BADASS by Tohad Barbie and Ken BADASS by Tohad Mario and Luigi BADASS by Tohad DuckTales BADASS by Tohad
Image size
620x877px 120.34 KB
© 2014 - 2024 Tohad
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Nam-Hien-Nguyen's avatar

Are you still selling this book? I'd like to buy a copy.