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PMD - Legend Seekers (Chapter I - Page 5)



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I guess this is the end for Arelle and the unknown Pikachu. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Actually, the Carvanhas COULD save them but they’re water/dark type and if there’s something PMD taught me is that dark type are ALWAYS evil hehe.

If I don’t finish this comic, take this as the canon ending.
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scorotro's avatar

I really like how Arelle doesn't manage to save Pikachu. She doesn't stop holding Pikachu before being done physically, I don't know if she could have saved helself alone but that doesn't seem to have even crossed her mind!

That scene shows a lot about Arelle! She looked quite insecure and not believing in her strength, but when all is lost, she still holds on to her dream!

I like the composition, the characters seem to fall deeper and deeper into the abyss. Who could save them now?