i am too sexy (kira's version) by babaengecchi, journal
i am too sexy (kira's version)
dear naruto/boruto, one piece and gundam seed trilogy fans
this is BABAENGECCHI, and i am here to write my newest journal while i am enjoy listening the song from RIGHT SAID FRED and title I AM TOO SEXY. and few days to go and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY.
and to all fans of GUNDAM SEED TRIOLOGY, i choose KIRA YAMATO as the version of RIGHT SAID FRED. and of course ATHRUN ZALA who played as DISC JOCKEY while KIRA YAMATO sings I AM TOO SEXY and COMMANDER MWU LA FLAGA is super speechless, because he saw LADY LACUS CLYNE with LADY CAGALLI YULA ATTHA & LUNAMARIA HAWKE dancing while they wearing two piece swimsuit while they dancing in the same music video of RIGHT SAID FRED's I AM TOO SEXY, which CAPTAIN MARRUE RAMUIS got blushing and she is totally embarrassing but many former ARCHANGEL crew wish for the captain wants to see swimsuit. and of course that dancing performance of LADY LACUS, LADY CAGALLI & LUNAMARIA makes both SHINN ASUKA shy and poor
dear transformers, disney princess, es 21 and one piece fans
this is BABAENGECCHI, and i am here to write my newest journal while i am enjoy listening my favorite song from YOUTUBE. so enjoy reading.
today's song is ATLANTIS IS COMING, song by non other than the german pop duo DIETER BOHLEN and THOMAS ANDERS also known as MODERN TALKING from the album READY FOR ROMANCE. the song was release last APRIL 28,1986 and the album was release last MAY 26 1986.
and to all fans of TRANSFORMERS THE LAST KNIGHT, the song connects VIVIANNE WEMBLY played by LAURA HADDOCK the english literature professor from UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD who possess the bloodline of WITTICAN and the last descendant of MERLIN which she deserve to be called "THE LITTLE HEIRESS". VIVIANNE was abduct by the car who turns into one of the AUTOBOT named HOT ROD who is allied by SIR EDMOND BURTON played by non other SIR ANTHONY HOPKINS. SIR EDMOND is an
shallow ( batman and wonder woman's version) by babaengecchi, journal
shallow ( batman and wonder woman's version)
dear justice league/unlimited,naruto/boruto, ffviii and rorouni kenshin fans
this is BABAENGECCHI,and i am here to write my newest journal while i am listening the song from BRADLEY COOPER & LADY GAGA who preform in 2019 ACADEMY AWARDS by singing SHALLOW from the soundtrack A STAR IS BORN.
as i promise to all fans of JUSTICE LEAGUE/UNLIMITED, i choose BATMAN & WONDER WOMAN as the version of BRADLEY COOPER & LADY GAGA's SHALLOW. and THE WINGS OF SUPERMAN are gonna same preform as BRADLEY COOPER & LADY GAGA in the ACADEMY AWARD for example how BATMAN escort WONDER WOMAN to the stage just like BRADLEY COOPER escort LADY GAGA to the stage and sings SHALLOW, and the butler shed tears due of his young master escort WONDER WOMAN and the women from THEMECYRIA including QUEEN HYPPOLITA got goose bumps and blushing due of BATMAN is acting gentleman which the GOTHAM POLICE FORCE including RENEE MONTOYA who watch BATMAN & WONDER WOMAN's
hold on (superman's version) by babaengecchi, journal
hold on (superman's version)
dear g.i. joe naruto/boruto and batman: brave and bold fans
this is BABAENGECCHI, and i am here to write my newest journal while i am enjoy listening the song from NEO COLOURS and title HOLD ON. the song is remake by SHAMROCK as the soundtrack from korean novela called JUMONG...
and to all fans of BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND BOLD, as i promise to the people of METROPOLIS. ladies and gentlemen, i choose THE MAN OF STEEL as the version of NEOCOLOURS' song. and SUPERMAN still continue to clear his name due of being infected by RED KRYTONITE, by singing the official theme song of LT. FALCONE of G.I. JOE THE MOVIE, and of course BATMAN has plan to use ARTHUR, JR. as the key to break the curse made by SPECIAL KRYPTONITE. and there is no worries about it, COMMISIONER GORDON sends more security to key an eye open that make sure non of the enemies especially THE JOKER, who crash SUPERMAN's singing performance...
hold on ( boruto's version) by babaengecchi, journal
hold on ( boruto's version)
dear g.i. joe and naruto/boruto fans
this is BABAENGECCHI, and i am here to write my newest journal while i am listening the song from NEOCOLOURS and title. and of course the song is used as the soundtrack of korean novela JUMONG and song by SHAMROCK...
and to all fans of NARUTO/BORUTO, i choose BORUTO UZUMAKI as the version of NEOCOLOURS' song. and that song makes both former KAGES... including HATAKE KAKASHI who got jaw breaking... the current 5 KAGES and of course NARUTO & GAARA ...THE HYUGA CLAN especially HANABI who got blushing because of that song .. are goose bump. and MAITO GAI & ROCK LEE are both proud of BORUTO, who sing the official theme song of LT. FALCONE of G.I. JOE THE MOVIE and they are both crying, because they think the song as the sign of pays of tribute of the fallen ninjas who battle in THE FOURTH SHINOBI WAR.. and HINATA is so very proud of her son, and she is very happy to see her son sings HOLD ON...
shallow (renji and rukia's version) by babaengecchi, journal
shallow (renji and rukia's version)
dear bleach naruto/boruto ffviii and rorouni kenshin fans
this is BABAENGECCHI, and i am here to write my newest journal while i am listening the song from BRADLEY COOPER & LADY GAGA and title SHALLOW. from the soundtrack in 2018 movie A STAR IS BORN...
and to all fans of BLEACH, i choose RENJI ABARAI & RUKIA KUKICHI as the version of BRADY COOPER & LADY GAGA's song.and BYAKUYA KUKICHI, is very happy to see both RENJI & RUKIA to choose that song and he is ready to hear to sing as the sign of relaxation. and that song is also pays tribute to the fallen SHINIGAMI who fight to death against QUINCY led by YWACH. and one of the fallen SHINIGAMIS and GOTEI 13 is YAMAMOTO THE GOOD ELDER. and SHUNSUI THE YAKUZA GUY is his successor as the new CAPTAIN COMMANDER, who is enjoy listening the song, but there is more there is a twist for RUKIA, as the second in command of TEAM ICHIGO. the leader ICHIGO KUROSAKI will play the acoustic guitar
i ll make a man out of you by babaengecchi, journal
i ll make a man out of you
dear one piece naruto/boruto and avatar fans
this is BABAENGECCHI, and i am here to write my newest journal while i am listening my favorite music from YOUTUBE. and HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY to our friends from DEVIANTART, and few days to go and my country will celebrate BONIFACIO DAY, which means one of the filipino great heroes is celebrate of his BIRTH ANNIVERSARY. happy reading...
today's song is I LL MAKE A MAN OUT OF YOU. one of the soundtrack of 1998 DISNEY movie MULAN... starring MING NA as the voice of MULAN .. BD WONG as the voice of SHANG and the legendary late PAT MORITA as the voice of THE EMPERROR...
the song is connect the final battle between THE AVATAR AANG and FIRE LORD OZAI to stop the deadly SOZIN'S COMET... while SOKKA, SUKI & TOPH keep busy to stop the group of FIRE NATION BATTLE SHIP... while ZUKO & KATARA travel to FIRE NATION by using APPA to face off the insanity AZULA, who is become
shallow (boruto and sarada's version) by babaengecchi, journal
shallow (boruto and sarada's version)
dear naruto/boruto ffviii and rorouni kenshin fans
this is BABAENGECCHI, and i am here to write my newest journal, while i am listening the song from BRADLEY COOPER & LADY GAGA and title SHALLOW, from the soundtrack from movie A STAR IS BORN...
and to all fans NARUTO/BORUTO, i choose BORUTO UZUMAKI & SARADA UCHIHA, as the version of BRADLEY COOPER & LADY GAGA's song... and that song makes many KAGES including both KAKASHI HATAKE, NARUTO UZUMAKI & his wife HINATA...and TSUNADE & her apprentice SHIZUNE got goose bumps same as KILLER BEE who got both goose bump and jaw breaking due of BORUTO & SARADA's singing performance are super flawless...
and that song is also dedicated the song to the fallen ninjas who died in THE FOURTH SHINOBI WARS... and many shinobis from different villages got crying as the signs of pays tribute... includes for both ROCK LEE & MAITO GAI who lost NEJI HYUGA due of shielding HINATA
dear transformers the slayers final fantasy and avatar fans:
COME TO ME BRAVE WARRIORS ... BATTLE AWAITS US... hello there... this is BABAENGECCHI , and i am here to write my newest journal while i am listening my favorite music ... so listen and enjoy reading ...
today song is WISHFUL THINKING... song by english new wave duo CHINA CRISIS ... compose of GARY DALY & EDDIE LUNDUN...who form the band since 1979... from the album WORKING WITH FIRE AND STEEL - POSSIBLE POP SONG VOLUME TWO... the song was release last JANUARY 3 1984 and the album was release last OCTOBER 31 1983...
and to all fans of 80's version of TRANSFORMERS .. the song connects SKYFIRE...is an AIR TYPE AUTOBOT who is close friend of STARSCREAM... and a fellow scientist but they being separate due of the snow storm ... million years later THE DECEPTICONS found SKYFIRE who encased the block of ice in ANTARTICA.. and revive by
am i blue ( zoro's version) by babaengecchi, journal
am i blue ( zoro's version)
dear one piece and justice league fans
this is BABAENGECCHI, and i am here to write my newest journal while i am listen the song from BILLY FURY and title AM I BLUE ... the same song as RAY CHARLES remember?
and to all fans of ONE PIECE, i choose RORONOA ZORO as the version of BILLY FURY's song ... AM I BLUE... and that song makes ZORO's sword ENMA... awake because the soul of KOZUKI ODEN came here to join sing AM I BLUE with ZORO.... which both MOMONOSUKE & HIYORI got jaw breaking and crying because they see there late father KOZUKI ODEN.... same as the former shogun KOZUKI SUKIYAKI is crying and he is ready to apologize to make suffer.. same as AKAZAYA led by KIN ENMON who also crying because they see the soul of there LORD ODEN enjoy to sing AM I BLUE with ZORO ... not only the members of KOZUKI CLAN and AKAYAZA cry ... even the yakuza boss HYOGORO are crying ... same his men also crying ... even the yakuza got still