Lex Luthor: Flawless DesignToddNauck on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/toddnauck/art/Lex-Luthor-Flawless-Design-442949488ToddNauck

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ToddNauck's avatar

Lex Luthor: Flawless Design



My submission to the Robot Chicken DC Comics Special 2 charity art show this Friday, March 28, 2014 at iam8bit Art Gallery in Los Angeles.

From the Stoopid Buddy Stoodios event page:
”For the third year in a row, we’re teaming up with Stoopid Buddy Stoodios for another Robot Chicken extravaganza. But this time, it’s even crazier - because DC Comics is involved, too. Lots of your favorite Robot Chicken and DC artists (and other special friends) will be displaying their work, with all proceeds going to a wonderful charity, OPCC’s Turning Point.
An interim housing program at OPCC, Turning Point tailors services to the needs of each person to help them rebuild their lives and end their homelessness for good. Through key services such as housing, mental health and medical care, substance abuse treatment and assistance in obtaining income, Turning Point aims to improve the sufficiency of the most vulnerable in our community. And they’re having great success: 95% of individuals housed by Turning Point are never homeless again. Compare that to the national average, where only 65% of people housed actually stay housed.”

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647x861px 389.97 KB
© 2014 - 2025 ToddNauck
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