DreamTobiasRoetsch on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tobiasroetsch/art/Dream-189336861TobiasRoetsch

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Daily Deviation

December 18, 2010
Dream by `taenaron realityfaery said: "This is wonderfully detailed and all of the elements are seamless. " And I couldn't agree more. It fills me with a sense of wonder and awe.
Featured by Casperium
Suggested by realityfaery
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161.2K Views1 Collected Privately

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What could be better than a sweet little fire in a calm summer night. That's basically what I wanted to show. To give you a little impression of what it looked like before have a look at this little animation.

I hope you like it! I'm really looking forward to your feedback :-) :hug: :manhug:

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I am available for commissions. Feel free to contact me: t.roetsch@gtgraphics.de

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