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Toad900's avatar

Hat Kid Dance Emoticon



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I'm surprised no one put up this as an emoticon. Well it's a good thing I'm here to change that! XD

Also to those who were wondering about the news yesterday, yes, I have heard. I'm worried as well, but I know that we all still have a chance to stop the articles. We still have time.

On a more positive note: Today's the day of A Hat in Time's DLC to be released as well as the new Nintendo Direct! As usual, I'll post my thoughts in the journal later on. As for predictions, I know that the new Yoshi Game back in 2017/18, the online service, and at least one new Smash character will be revealed today due to either leaks (Yoshi's title revealed on the E-shop) or by common sense (the Smash site didn't update last week at the supposed time).
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© 2018 - 2024 Toad900
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AJayTheArtist's avatar

The Smash community when Sora of Kingdom Hearts got announced for the Fighters Pass 2 Hat Kid Dance Emoticon .