Hello there and welcome to our group!
If you love Disney's The Lion King franchise, you're in the right place. This group is focused on featuring fanart from all the Lion King movies, comics, books, etc, including all your favorite characters. And if you've created your own character for the Lion King universe, they're welcome here, too.
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If you'd like to join our group, just click the button that says "Join our Group" at the top of the page.
Please submit art (either your own or art from another artist) to the appropriate folder. All Simba and/or Nala pictures go in the "Simba and Nala" folder, and all pictures featuring Scar go in the "Scar and other villains" folder and/or "The Lion King" folder, for example.
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Please submit art to the right folders.
Please be kind to our members and don't leave rude or offensive comments on pics in the gallery.
We have a folder for photos of toys and things of the like, but please keep these to a minimum.
We will accept pictures created with bases in limited quantities ONLY if the artist gives credit to the creator of any and all bases, and it looks acceptable as an image.
Absolutely NO screencaps (manipulated, drawn over, or wallpaper/collages using them) are allowed.
If you have any questions, you can note the group or co-founders Nala15 or PouassonDeOro.
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Thanks for checking us out! We hope to see you again soon!
Hakuna Matata!