How to draw TLK style .TLK Peachii edition.TLK-Peachii on DeviantArt

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TLK-Peachii's avatar

How to draw TLK style .TLK Peachii edition.




Alright, many people have asked if I would do one of these for the longest time; and so here it is! I really hope you guys like it.
I managed to do this in three days time, I think that's good timing for my standards! :D

Keep in mind that yes, I am bad at verbal description. You might wanna follow the visuals more. :'D

I hope this works for some, if not many. It may or may not, depending on what your drawing preferences are. I'm a bit of a different animal, so yeah! ^^;
Even if it doesn't work for you, I hope it was a fun behind the scenes tour!

The Lion King (c) Disney
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581x7983px 363.43 KB
© 2012 - 2025 TLK-Peachii
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TripleMoonStudios's avatar
*Screams internally* 

Thank you thank you thank you ! 
I've been looking for a good guide forever! 
most of the ones I found were the circle cross stick method and every time my lions came out dopey looking. 
no thank you this is perfect! Don't worry about being bad at the verbal description. I work best with visual anyways OwO