Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIIITLEEART on DeviantArt

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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII



So I finally push to finish something again, and it's the weird new outfit for Lightning in Lightning Returns.

I might need to draw Noctis next, what with the announcement for Final Fantasy XV and all.

On the art. I feel that I'm needing to focus on polishing my work more, but I'm at least having fun when I'm doing my art, and I think that's important in developing my skills. I'm kinda getting into practice at my own pace. I feel that I'm already much more comfortable already, but I have long to go before my art is where I would like it to be.

Let's see...I did most of it in Sai, with some work in Photoshop (texture).

I grabbed the texture from CG Textures.

Lightning (c) Square-Enix

I hope someone gets some enjoyment from this! At the very least, I enjoyed making it.
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2975x3850px 8.27 MB
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Boofrickittyhoo's avatar
This is awesome! It's so cool to see you making more stuff!!